3V3 Half Court Basketball
Tactical Problem:  Keeping possession and invade space.

Skill Development: Using L-and V-cuts to create triangle and invade space.

Teaching Points:
1)  Use L-and V-cut in triangle offense in 3V3 half court game



Organizational Points:
-Get 1/3 of the teams of 2 to go join up 
with a 2V2 game and go to a basket to 
play 3V3. #1's play #2's.

-Switch opponents after 5 minutes

-Recap teaching points for last minute

Rules:  1)  3 dribble max
           2)  No overhead passes
           3)  3-2-1 Scoring:  Each player's first hoop 
                is 3 pts., 2nd is 2pts., 3 or more are 1pt.
-Strong teams can't dribble
-in case of ball "hog" everyone must touch ball 
 before taking a shot.

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